Tag Archive for: scale-up

PHOS4green – Implementation of a Plant for the Production of 60,000 t/a of Fertilizer from Sewage Sludge Ash at Haldensleben

PHOS4green – Implementation of a Plant for the Production of 60,000 t/a of Fertilizer from Sewage Sludge Ash at SERAPLANT Gmbh in Haldensleben, Germany.

Faster to market – «There are enough good ideas, we just need to get them from lab to industrial scale faster.»

Thanks to its technology- and process-oriented innovation expertise, plant manufacturer Glatt Ingenieurtechnik is an internationally sought-after development partner for research institutions and industry. The Technology Center is the hub for particle design: here, R&D ideas give rise to new processes, product samples, market-ready powders, granules and pellets. (German article)

Glatt. Meet the Experts @ 6E163 ● Fi Food Ingredients Europe ● 3-5 Dec 2019 ● Paris ● France

Glatt fluidized bed technologies for sophisticated product design: Added-value ingredients require gentle processes and sustainable packaging. At Fi Europe, plant engineering and process development specialist Glatt will present innovative solutions to meet these needs.

Meet the PHOS4green experts at the 5th P-Rück-Kongress 2019

The Ministry of the Environment Baden-Württemberg and the DWA Regional Association Baden-Württemberg organize the 5th Congress PHOSPHOR – A CRITICAL RAW MATERIAL WITH A FUTURE

Follow the presentation of Jan Kirchhof, Senior Sales Manager Process & Plant Engineering, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, and learn more about the innovativation of PHOS4green technology for the fertilizer production with phosphorus recyclates out of sewage sludge ashes!

PHOS4green presented at the Nutrient Platform 2019 in Utrecht, NL

Frits Elferink, NBP Handelsbureau B.V., presented the Glatt PHOS4green technology as an innovative solution for phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge ashes and its residue-free conversion into ready-to-use, commercially available standard phosphorus fertilizers. The Nutrient Platform is a cross-sectoral network of Dutch organizations that believe in a pragmatic approach towards nutrient scarcity. By recovering phosphorus from the ‘waste’ streams and turning it into valuable new products, not only the environment is improved but also the phosphorus cycle is closed.

Meet the Glatt Experts @ 13. Schüttgut-Forum 2019 ● 19-20 November ● Würzburg, Germany

How do you produce dust-free granules and pellets from powders and liquids? In the fluid bed. In a single process step. Didier Schons, Area Sales Manager, Process Technology Food, Feed & Fine Chemicals at Glatt Ingenieurtechnik Weimar, explains how this works.

Meet the Glatt Experts @ SEPAWA Congress ● Stand C529 ● October 23-25, 2019 ● Berlin ● Germany

Dipl.-Ing. Katja Oppermann, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik, Weimar, will give a lecture on “Process options of fluid bed technology for value-adding product forms” at the SEPAWA Congress round about the detergents/cleansers, cosmetics and fragrance industry in Europe.

Meet the Glatt Experts @ ProPack India 2019 ● Booth P1 ● 22-24 October ● Mumbai ● India

Sophisticated product design with Glatt fluid bed and spouted bed technologies @ ProPak 2019, booth P1: Added-value ingredients and active substances require gentle processes. Glatt’s laboratory plant enables the small-scale production and testing of innovative product ideas.

Meet the PHOS4green Experts at the VDI Technical Conference Sewage Sludge Treatment 2019 in Mainz, Germany

The VDI conference “Sewage Sludge Treatment” will take place for the tenth time this year. Discover phosphorus recovery with PHOS4green and check out this innovative technology for fertilizer production out of phosphorus recyclates from sewage sludge ashes! Benefit from the information about this phosphorus recycling technology given by Dr. Thomas Jähnert, Glatt, in his lecture ‘PHOS4green Hochleistungsdünger aus Klärschlammaschen’ (PHOS4green: High-performance fertilizer from sewage sludge ashes)

Meet the Glatt Experts @ NutriForm Business Days 2019 ● 11-12 September ● Saint Raphaël (Var), France

Particle design and drying in just one process step using fluidized bed technology. Perfect determination of particle properties, functionalization and protection of active, volatile and sensitive substances. Listen to the lecture on ‘Functionalization of food supplements’.