Information Material & Downloads

Here you can download our current certificates, brochures and other presentations.


Functionalization of
Granules and Pellets

The brochure provides information on the advantages of granules and pellets produced and functionalized by fluidized bed and spouted bed technologies.


PHOS4green – Phosphorus Recovery From Sewage Sludge Ashes

This brochure summarizes the most important aspects of phosphorus recovery from ashes and its transformation into ready-to-use phosphate fertilizers.


Glatt Technology Center
Weimar, Germany

The brochure provides an overview of the services and equipment of the Glatt Technology Center in Weimar as a competence center for bulk solids particle design.


Functionalization of
Special Fertilizers

The brochure gives a short overview of the services and equipment provided by Glatt for the functionalization and optmimization of special fertilizer granules and pellets by fluidized bed and spouted bed technologies.


Functionalization of

The brochure gives a short overview of the services and equipment provided by Glatt for the functionalization and optmimization of agro chemicals like pesticides by fluidized bed and spouted bed technologies.


Functionalization of
Food Additives

The brochure gives a short overview of the services and equipment provided by Glatt for the enhancement of granules and pellets for food, feed and ingredients for them by fluidized bed and spouted bed technologies.


Functionalization of
Enzymes and Flavors

The brochure gives a short overview of the services and equipment provided by Glatt for the encapsulation, protection and stabilization of enzymes and flavors granules and pellets by fluidized bed and spouted bed technologies.


Functionalization of

The brochure gives a short overview of the services and equipment provided by Glatt for the enhancement of granules and pellets for cleaning agents and detergent components by fluidized bed and spouted bed technologies.


Functionalization of
Industrial Salts

The brochure provides a short overview of the services and equipment provided by Glatt for the functionalization and optmimization of industrial salt granules and pellets by fluidized bed and spouted bed technologies.


Glatt ProCell LabSystem

The brochure provides information on our mobile, modular and incredibly flexible laboratory system ProCell LabSystem for testing all fluid bed and spouted bed processes.


Glatt Ingenieurtechnik

The brochure gives informs on products and services of Glatt Ingenieurtechnik with the two competence areas ‘Glatt Process Technology Food, Feed & Fine Chemicals’ and ‘Glatt Process & Plant Engineering’.


Glatt Powder Synthesis

The brochure gives an overview of the Glatt Powder Synthesis as a technology for innovative particle design based on processes like spay pyrolysis, spray drying, spray calcination and core shell coating.


Glatt GF ModFlex – Continuous Fluid bed Spray Agglomeration

The flyer provides a short overview of the GF ModFlex for the production of food and feed ingredients granules by a continuous spray agglomeration process by fluidized bed technology.


Glatt Fluid Bed Systems WSG PRO, WS COMBO, GPCG 10, GPCG PRO

The brochure provides information on Glatt fluid bed systems based on batch operation and presents equipment in laboratory and production scale as well as cleaning, safety and control solutions.


Laboratory Fluid Bed Unit Mini-Glatt / Midi-Glatt

The flyer informs about our smallest laboratory classic for all batch fluid bed processes for testing granulation, drying, and coating processes. Ideal for minimum batch sizes from 2.5 to 1,300 grams.


Active Battery Materials and Solid Electrolytes for Solid State Batteries

Find a short overview on innovative solution for your next generation of powders for cathode and anode materials or ceramics and composites.


Synthesis Reactor
Glatt ProAPP®

The flyer informs about the most important parameters of the production plant Glatt ProAPP® for powder synthesis for particles with definable properties.


Manufacturing active materials for hydrogen production and solid oxide fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells

The poster introduces our Pow(d)er Synthesis technology, outlines the advantages, gives an overview of catalystic active materials and solid electrolyts. Aerosol-based methods based on spray drying/ spray calcination and spray agglomeration are presented using selected examples for the preparartion of Ba0,5Sr0,5Co0,8Fe0,2O3-δ (BSCF) as electro catalyst or Hproduction and as well as the preparation of Y-stabilized ZrO2.


THE Glatt POW(D)ER SYNTHESIS – Aerosol-based processes to produce battery materials

The increasing demand for applications within electromobility or stationary energy storage requires the implementation of innovative, sustainable and continuous manufacturing processes as well as processes for coating active materials. Aerosol-based methods based on spray drying/ spray calcination and spray agglomeration are presented using selected examples.


THE Glatt POW(D)ER SYNTHESIS – From synthesis to functionalization of powdery materials

The poster introduces our Pow(d)er Synthesis technology, names the advantages, outlines the fileds of application in industry, and shows REM pictures of catalyst for eletrochemical applications, cathode material, spray dried and coated Si-C-composite, agglomerated/coated Si, coated fungizide, and Ag-Ru bimetallic compound.


Thermal Processing of Particles for Innovative Powder Materials

The poster introduces to new technologies for thermal powder processing. There are well-established heat treatment processes for powdered materials, but they have significant drawbacks in effciency. With Glatt high-temperature fluidized bed and Glatt powder synthesis, new technologies are available to open up new particle potential and to help powder manufacturers improve their products.


Recyclable material recovery from sewage sludge ash Phosphorus recycling for the production of compliant fertilisers

The poster provides an overview of the possibilities of optional heavy metal removal as an extension of PHOS4green.

Sewage sludge ashes in urban centres often contain high levels of heavy metals. In order to prevent excessive release into the environment, it is necessary to remove the heavy metals. Economical heavy metal removal increases the raw material potential of the available sewage sludge ashes.
The PHOS4green process, modified with regard to heavy metal removal, thus provides greater planning security with regard to possible future stricter limit values or strongly fluctuating ash loads.


Cost-efficient synthesis processes for the production of BSCF powder systems in pulsating gas flow

The poster gives an overview on the SaMBa research project for a novel manufacturing process for high permeability oxygen membranes and development of an innovative membrane connection plate for oxygen generators. (Poster in German Language)


Spray (micro) encapsulation of oxidation and light-sensitive volatile substances in matrix form

The poster reports a case study involving the spray granulation of a solution using continuous fluidized bed and spouted bed processing.
Based on various experiments in laboratory and pilot scale a statistical process model was derived based on artificial neural networks. A parameter study and sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the main process conditions and formulation variables. The process model supported the optimization of product properties and related process conditions.


New options in product design for high performance detergent applications

Glatt technologies are usable to add value or improve product properties of dry detergent formulations. Liquids or powders can be processed to innovative products. Benefits of technology. Fluidized and spouted bed equipment. Strategy for product and process development. Case study »Homogeneity of mixture«. Case study »Chemical reaction and granulation«. Case study »Granulation of polymers or surfactants«. Case study »Coated enzyme granules«.


Synthesis of powders in an oscillating process gas – Reactor design and application for catalytic active materials

The Glatt Powder Synthesis is not only suitable to produce powders but also for the coating of materials. Starting from suspensions, drying, coating and calcination can be done in one step by a core-shell process. Besides the presentation of the technology, the fabrication of photocatalysts as well as oxide materials for the generation of hydrogen will be exemplified.


Continuous monitoring and automatic control of pharmaceutical processes. Example: Fluid bed granulation

The poster gives an overview on the ASTEROID research project for the elaboration of the plant and control engineering fundamentals for the precise control of particle growth in granulation processes. Reliable statements on the industrial scalability and pharmaceutical suitability of self-regulating granulation processes can be derived for a completely new quality level in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. (Poster in German Language)


Hot melt fluidized bed granulation – An effective low shear method for the manufacture of polymer pellets with high additive load

By using functional additives, essential properties like thermal stability, thermal conductivity, UV-stability, burning behavior or antistatic properties of polymers and polymer-ceramic composites are adjustable. The Poster shows that solid or liquid additives can be embedded homogeneously in polymer pellets. The structure of shear sensitive materials is not affected by spray granulation of hot-melts. Very high additive loads can be realised by combined spray granulation and agglomeration, for applied pigment weight fractions of up to 80 % are realizable.