Overview of the BioCampus MultiPilot (BMP), Copyright: Zweckverband Hafen Straubing-Sand
Glatt wins follow-up order for BioCampus MultiPilot
Glatt Ingenieurtechnik was commissioned for the Detail engineering and plant construction of this pioneering biotech project and to supply process technology units and infrastructure.
Straubing/Germany, December 2023 – Weimar based Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH will be responsible for the Detail engineering and delivery of integrated process technology for the multipurpose BioCampus MultiPilot (BMP) demonstration facility in the port of Straubing-Sand. The flexible platform, to be used to scale-up and commercialise innovative biotech processes and sustainable products, will enable start-ups, research groups and industrial companies to further develop, test scale up and optimise their biotechnological processes to pre-industrial scale, validate their economic viability and produce material samples.
The Free State of Bavaria is supporting the €90 million project with investment funding totalling €80 million, underlining the importance of developing products and processes to use renewable raw materials at an industrial and commercial scale.
After successfully completing the Basic engineering phase, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik won the contract for the Detail engineering and plant construction as part of an EU-wide tendering procedure. Glatt will plan and supply important process technology systems, media supply, automation and comprehensive safety technology for the project.
The integration of the plant technology into the building will be done in close co-operation with the construction company, Swietelsky AG, having been commissioned by the client Zweckverband Hafen Straubing-Sand (Straubing-Sand harbour association) and two specialist equipment suppliers. As part of the Detail engineering, 3D CAD planning and co-ordination across all disciplines is planned. Powerful Building Information Modelling (BIM) techniques will be used.
Planet friendly raw materials for a sustainable programme
The utilisation of renewable raw materials in the chemical industry is becoming increasingly important, both in terms of the finite nature of fossil resources and to achieve climate targets. The technical focus of the BMP is on the use of lignocellulosic raw materials, biochemical product conversion — on a scale of up to 25 m3 — and adaptable downstream processing technology.
Ground-breaking ceremony for a diverse range of services
The ground-breaking ceremony for this lighthouse project recently took place at the port of Straubing-Sand in the presence of Minister President Dr Markus Söder and Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy, Hubert Aiwanger. As the most efficient freight transport centre in Lower Bavaria, it has excellent infrastructure connections by ship, rail and road. In addition to machines and systems, BMP customers will also be offered synergetic services. These include process development, finding partners from industry, research, law and financing, consulting and pre-tests for companies planning to invest in their own commercial plant, for example.
Partner for flexible and innovative biotech plants
Dr Thomas Luck, Director of Business Development at BioCampus Straubing GmbH, explains: “In close consultation with interested users, we have defined a broad range of plant that will give future customers the opportunity to jointly explore innovative paths to new, sustainable products at the BMP. With Glatt Ingenieurtechnik, we have a very competent partner at our side who is familiar with the specific plant engineering requirements and has relevant expertise in the planning and construction of facilities to process natural or renewable raw materials.”
The multipurpose facility will work closely with other local institutions such as the KoNaRo Kompetenzzentrum für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (Competence Centre for Renewable Resources) and offer added value to the BioCampus Straubing. The centre will work on viable solutions to strengthen the bio-based economy and contribute to the raw materials transition and the establishment of the bioeconomy in Bavaria.
About Zweckverband Hafen Straubing-Sand / BioCampus Straubing GmbH:
Zweckverband Hafen Straubing-Sand (ZVH) operates and develops the port of Straubing-Sand as part of an inter-municipal cooperation between the city of Straubing, the district of Straubing-Bogen and the municipality of Aiterhofen. As a trimodal industrial and logistics site with a total area of 220 hectares, the port of Straubing is Lower Bavaria’s most powerful freight traffic center. The location receives additional attention due to its focus on the bio-based economy. The ZVH subsidiary BioCampus Straubing GmbH (BCG) is working to raise the profile of the Straubing-Bogen region as a business and technology location for the biobased economy and industrial biotechnology. With instruments of business promotion and innovation transfer, start-ups, new settlements and growth of existing companies in the Straubing region are supported, which deal with the utilization of biogenic raw and residual materials. BCG’s work focuses on innovation support services for start-ups within the framework of the start-up competition “PlanB – Biobased.Business.Bavaria.”, the establishment and operation of relevant infrastructures such as the BioCampus MultiPilot demonstration plant and the Technology and Start-up Center in the port in cooperation with the ZVH, as well as networking in the Straubing ecosystem for biobased business.