Coating of cohesive powders using chemical vapor deposition in a fluidized bed reactor
Meet Dr. Christian Rieck at the annual meeting 2024 of the VDI/DECHEMA expert group “Agglomeration and Bulk Solids Technology”
March 3-5 2024 Hotel Leonardo, Weimar, Germany
Save the date: March 5, 2024 – 11:10 am – Speaker is Dr. Christian Rieck, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik
Fluidized bed processes are known to offer high heat and mass transfer rates as well as good solids mixing, which are used in classic particle-forming processes such as coating, powder agglomeration, granulation and spray granulation. In these processes, liquids containing solids are sprayed onto the particle bed, which leads to a coating of the fluidized particles by drying the liquid phase.
This lecture presents a novel coating process based on chemical vapor deposition (CVD). In this process, fine, cohesive pigment powders are coated with thin carbon layers. These materials are used in the cosmetics industry and are characterized by exceptional visual properties. The coating process was developed by Merck KGaA Darmstadt on a laboratory scale and scaled up to production scale with the help of Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Weimar. In close cooperation, the process was successfully transferred to regular operation. In addition to the development of the project, special challenges in scale-up and their solutions are presented.
The annual meeting 2024 of the VDI/DECHEMA expert group “Agglomeration and Bulk Solids Technology” will take place from March 5-7 at the Hotel Leonardo in Weimar, Germany. There will also be a company tour of Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Weimar as a highlight on the afternoon of March 6 (see also: Glatt Technology Center Weimar).
Whether in chemical production, the food sector, pharmaceutical technology, energy storage and conversion or the extraction of raw materials – the processing and handling of particles and bulk materials is the order of the day in many industries. In particular, process control, energy efficiency, productivity and the resulting product quality play a decisive role. This annual meeting offers an opportunity for intensive exchange between industry, research institutes and universities. The lecture program will range from theoretical modeling and fundamentals to in-depth experimental research and industrial applications.