Tag Archive for: fertilizer

Meet the Glatt experts at the abonocare® online conference

At the 2nd Conference of abonocare® – sustainable nutrient recycling from organic residues Dr. Michael Jacob will give a lecture on ‘Fertilizer production from N- and P-rich recyclates using fluid bed spray granulation’. He will show product examples and present an industrial-scale reference plant at Seraplant in Haldensleben, Germany.

Glatt PHOS4green: first production plant for fertilizer from sewage sludge in operation at Seraplant

Production starts at first German PHOS4green plant for recycled fertilizers. Residue-free production of ready-to-use fertilizer from phosphate-containing sewage sludge ash is now possible, thanks to plant manufacturer and process expert Glatt Ingenieurtechnik, and fertilizer specialist Seraplant. The official commissioning on May 31, 2021, was attended by Prof Dr Armin Willingmann, Saxony-Anhalt’s Minister for Economics, Science and Digitalization.

PHOS4green to be presented at the Sewage Sludge Meeting in Sweden, June, 2-3 2021

Save the date to get the lesson!
Sewage sludge treatment and recycling is also an important topic for Swedish municipalities.
Under the organization of Envisys AB, a technical meeting on sewage sludge will be held in Helsingborg, Sweden. Jan Kirchhof, Senior Sales Manager Process & Plant Engineering, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, will inform about a PHOS4green plant for the production of fertilizer from sewage sludge ash.

Meet the Glatt experts at the Virtual ChemTECH World.IE 2021

Come and check out the innovative fluid bed and spouted bed technologies for granules and pellets!
Glatt welcomes you to visit the Glatt Dashboard and interact with experts to understand what we can do for your ingredients like fertilizers, crop protection agents, salts, polymers, seeds, phosphonates, enzymes, essential oils, fragrances, surfactants, detergents, cleaning agents, colour pigments, ceramics, catalysts, minerals, trace elements, acids, diamonds, and so much more to optimize the desired physical properties and / or to protect sensitive, active and volatile substances.

How future materials become reality with fluid bed technologies and Glatt powder synthesis

How future materials become reality with fluid bed technologies and Glatt powder synthesis. Battery materials, 3D printing, phosphorus fertilizers, foodstuffs: thanks to its technology and process-oriented innovation expertise, plant manufacturer and process expert Glatt Ingenieurtechnik is a sought-after development partner in many branches of industry and in the research sector. The Technology Center at the Weimar headquarters is the hub for particle design of future materials. R&D ideas are turned into product samples with flame-retardant properties, for example, and market-ready beverage powders are developed here; the formulation for fertilizer granules with defined release and carbon pellets are being tinkered with. (German article)

Meet the PHOS4green experts at the 1st Abonocare Conference 2020

Come and check out the innovative PHOS4green technology for fertilizer production out of phosphorus recyclates from sewage sludge ashes! Benefit from the information about this phosphorus recycling technology given by Jan Kirchhof, Glatt, in his lecture ‘PHOS4green Hochleistungsdünger aus Klärschlammaschen’ (PHOS4green: High-performance fertilizer from sewage sludge ashes)

In just two steps – new fertilizer made to measure from sewage sludge ash

How the two-stage, residue-free process “PHOS4green” turns sewage sludge ash into ready-to-use fertilizer containing phosphorus. (article in German language)

Unique German Fertiliser Production Plant Celebrates Roofing Ceremony

Seraplant and Glatt Ingenieurtechnik have jointly developed an innovative technology for residue-free production of phosphate-containing fertiliser granulates from sewage sludge ash.
Fertiliser manufacturer Seraplant from Haldensleben, Germany, recently celebrated the roofing ceremony at a production plant for phosphate-containing single and complex fertilisers for agriculture and forestry use.

Improved performance for crop protection products

Plant protection products, be they herbicides or fungicides, must be dust-free, free-flowing, stable, safe to handle and provide good redispersibility properties. In the future, it will also be important to tailor their effectiveness to deal with particular hazards or pests, and increase tolerance to extreme weather conditions.

High-performance fertilizer from sewage sludge ash

With the new “PHOS4green” process, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik produces ready-to-use, phosphorus-containing fertilizer granules in a two-stage, residue-free process. (article in German language)