Meet the Glatt experts at the Virtual ChemTECH World.IE 2021
Online Show! Save the date: February 23-26, 2021
Come and check out the innovative fluid bed and spouted bed technologies for granules and pellets!
Glatt welcomes you to visit the Glatt Dashboard and interact with experts to understand what we can do for your ingredients like fertilizers, crop protection agents, salts, polymers, seeds, phosphonates, enzymes, essential oils, fragrances, surfactants, detergents, cleaning agents, colour pigments, ceramics, catalysts, minerals, trace elements, acids, diamonds, and so much more to optimize the desired physical properties and / or to protect sensitive, active and volatile substances.
From the idea to turnkey production, Glatt accompanies its customers along the entire value chain.
Using State-of-the-art Fluidized Bed and Spouted Bed technologies, Glatt provides intelligent particle design to functionalize powders and granules with desired properties in just one process step, for improved application and handling.
Vivid animations, presentations and Brochures will be made available for your perusal. Prospective clients can approach our specialists with questions that cover the entire bandwidth from feasibility studies up to tailor-made pro-duction plants.
Just click here to find out more about the show. Looking forward to our interaction.